Approach: Studying several passages together to observe the connection between grace and forgiveness.

Hermeneutic objective: Practicing the skill of good observation.

Theological objective: Instead of "giving grace" to those who offend us, Believers are to be gracious and forgiving. The connection between graciousness and forgiveness is the attitude behind forgiveness. Being gracious, by following Jesus Christ's example, recognizes the magnitude and supremacy of the grace of God and Jesus who provided the means of salvation to one so undeserving and impossible to achieve and places a trust in "Him who judges justly."

Forgiveness includes Jesus' example of how He responded to offense (1 Pet 2:19-24):

"He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth."

"When he was reviled, he did not revile in return"

"When he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly."