Approach: Reading various passages to learn how you can cooperate with the Holy Spirit and see how that affects your life.

Hermeneutic objective: Practicing the skill of observation and discerning its implications.

Theological objective: When Paul says, "do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind," he is saying that you are actively participating in the renewal of your mind within the context of God's New Covenant (Ezek 36:26-27).

Bible study is a personal responsibility to deepen one's relationship with God, know His word well enough to recognize incorrect doctrine, and discern good from evil.

Worship is a personal responsibility to give praise and adoration to God in recognition of the truth of His existence and reality of salvation.

Prayer is a personal responsibility, not just for asking for personal help, but to express thanksgiving and to pray for the concersn of other people.

Christian fellowship is a personal responsibility to care for other Believers, as they have a responsibility towards you, in the spiritual pursuit of growing closer and serving God together.