Isaiah 41
a) Verses: List the verses’ numbers for this study and begin to write down a short phrase or a
single word from each verse that will remind you what is happening in that verse.
1) Silence before me
2-3) Who has raised up?
4) Who? – I AM HE
5-7) Nations fear/tremble
8-9) Israel I have chosen
10) I AM your God
11-12) Enemies destroyed
13-14) Do not fear
15-16) I bring victory – rejoice
17-19) I will provide
20) See and Know I AM creator
21-24) See your idols – worthless!
25) I have stirred up enemy
26) No one else foretold
27) I gave messenger
28) No one can answer
29) All are false
b) Divisions: For each division, write a short, but complete sentence describing the key action and
character in that division. Keep your sentence factual as opposed to spiritual.
1-7) The Lord has called the generations from the beginning.
8-16) I AM has chosen Israel and destroyed her enemies.
17-20) I will not forsake and I will provide.
21-29) Test your idols and see that they are worthless and silent.
c) Subject Sentence: From your divisions, combine the central thoughts into a subject sentence of
10 words or less. This must be a complete sentence with a subject and verb.
God has called all generations so fear no one else.
d) AIM: Find the compelling motive of this passage that would cause you to change your life.
Cause my audience to know that it is God who has created and called you, so turn from your
worthless idols and fear the Lord!
e) Applications: Go back and look at your divisions. Generally, you should try to write at least one application
for each of your divisions.
1. By whom have you been created?
2. Who or what do you fear more than you fear the Lord?
3. What “enemies" has God helped you to overcome in your life?
4. What are some of the ways that God has provided for you?
5. What idols do you cling to and what have they ever done for you?
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