Isaiah 42
a) Verses: List the verses’ numbers for this study and begin to write down a short phrase or a single
word from each verse that will remind you what is happening in that verse.
1-2) my chosen One
3) He brings justice
4) hope in His law
5) God speaks
6) will make you a covenant
7) release from darkness
8-9) I AM the Lord
10) a new song
11) rejoice
12) glory to the Lord
13) Lord will triumph
14) I cry out
15) mountains laid waste
16) darkness turns to light
17) idol worshipers will be turned back
18-20) do not be blind
21) Lord pleased to make great law
22) but people plundered
23) who will listen?
24) don’t disobey
25) God will pour out disobedient
b) Divisions: For each division, write a short, but complete sentence describing the key action and
character in that division. Keep your sentence factual as opposed to spiritual.
1-9) God raises up his servant and makes a covenant with His people.
10-17) Rejoice in the Lord and do not disobey.
18-25) Israel has rejected God’s message.
c) Subject Sentence: From your divisions, combine the central thoughts into a subject sentence of
10 words or less. This must be a complete sentence with a subject and verb.
Israel has rejected God’s anointed servant.
d) AIM: Find the compelling motive of this passage that would cause you to change your life.
Cause my audience to accept the anointed servant, Jesus Christ, rejoice in His glory and
be obedient to His ways.
e) Applications: Go back and look at your divisions. Generally, you should try to write at least one
application for each of your divisions.
1. Have you accepted or rejected God’s anointed servant, Jesus Christ?
2. What idols have you been worshiping other than God?
3. Is your worship of God with your whole mind, body and spirit, or are you only offering
"token" worship before the Lord?
4. In what areas of your life are you still disobeying God’s law?
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