Literary Genre: Parables

Literary genre is a category of written works. Recognizing the type of writing prepares one for how to read and observe the text. For example, parables are short stories that are loved for their simplicity and memorable morals; they are the hallmark of Jesus' teachings. In contrast to historical narratives, these true to life stories may not have historically occurred.

Parables are found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

How should you read a parable?

  • Look to see if there are different Gospel accounts of the same parables, because this will help you discover all the details of the story.
  • Understand the characters in the story: what is happening, their motives, and their actions.
  • Who heard Jesus' parables? Who did the characters of the parable represent?

Here's an example: the Parable of the Sower (Matt 13:1-9; Mark 4:1-9; Luke 8:4-8).

Where is Jesus teaching?

What group of people is the focus of the parable?

How is this story “true to life" to hearers of the parable?

How does Jesus interpret the parable?

What is being sown?

What does the soil represent?

What does hard soil represent?

What does rocky soil represent?

What does soil with thorny plants represent?

What does the good soil represent as well as the fruit being produced?

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