What can Demons Do or Not Do?

1. What is Satan's principal intention?

a. Discourage the worship of God and cause the destruction of man.

b. Discourage the witness and ministry effectiveness of Christians.

c. Establish his own kingdom.

d. Blind and deceive non-Christians to the Gospel.

2. What methods do demons use?

a. Temptation.

b. Praise.

c. Accusation.

d. a and c.

e. All of the above.

3. What do you know of the certificate of debt?

a. A record of a person's personal sins.

b. A list of sins which Satan could use to accuse a person of for the purpose of condemning man before God.

c. A belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior cancels the certificate of debt.

d. All of the above.

4. Christians should treat the demonic realm with contempt.

a. True.

b. False.

5. Satan is limited in power and knowledge.

a. True.

b. False.

6. What is meant by demon possession?

a. A condition where a human being has a demon inhabiting him or her.

b. A condition where a demon controls a human being’s will.

c. A condition where a inhabiting demon controls the mind, body, and will of a human being.

d. A condition that is the cause of all mental illness.

7. Is indwelling a human being the only way a fallen angel can affect a human being?

a. Yes.

b. No.

8. Physical illness and disease can be caused by:

a. Unfallen angels.

b. Fallen angels.

c. Holy Spirit.

d. Sin.

e. All of the above.

9. All Christians have the means to exorcise a demon?

a. True.

b. False.

10. Is it possible for Christians to have a demon?

a. Yes, it is possible.

b. No, it is not possible.

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