The Mosaic Covenant

A Series on Understanding the Bible's Framework

These Bible study lessons are designed to complement the myriad of study guides and plans available today. Through them, we hope to introduce sound study methodology, build a strong foundation of knowledge from which you can build and integrate a more coherent and comprehensive understanding of God's word and theology.

430 years after making His covenant with Abraham, God makes a covenant with the nation of Israel and establishes the Law (Gal 3:16-17); this is around 1450 B.C. Because the nation of Israel feared the voice of God, they asked Moses to intercede; hence, the covenant became known as the Mosaic Covenant, and they committed to being obedient to God's commandments before they were informed of its stipulations!

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1. Observe carefully some details about the Abrahamic Covenant (Abram: Gen 17:3-5, Isaac: Gen 26:23-24, Jacob: Gen 28:12-16; 32:24-28).

2. Carefully examine Exodus 19:3-6 and Deuteronomy 1:34-36. Is the Mosaic Covenant part of the Abrahamic Covenant? In other words, how are they related or different? What is required for a kingdom and a nation?

3. God speaks of the Decalogue directly to the nation of Israel (Ex 20:1-17) before they ask Moses to intercede; God speaks through Moses to elaborate on the 10 commandments in Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy with 613 commands and prohibitions. What else did God stipulate in objects (Ex 20:24-26; 25:8-10) and practices (Lev 16:15-19, 34; 17:11; Lev 23:5-8 [Ex 12:1-13, 42-51]). What is their significance?

4. The Mosaic Law reveals essential aspects about God that He doesn’t detail elsewhere in the Bible. What do you see (Ex 19:18-23; 20:8-12; 28:2-4, 43; 40:9-13; Num 15:39-40; Lev 19:1-2)?

5. What is the Day of Atonement? Here is an instance one can ask these observation questions: who, what, when, where and why (Lev 16:15-19, 34; 17:11)? Note carefully, without knowledge of the Law, we would not know of this and understand its significance later…

6. Can you discern what God intended behind the repetition of substitutionary sacrificing of animals for atonement? Some possibilities (Rom 7:7; Lev 20:26).

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