Over dinner or in a group setting, we hope that these lessons may rekindle, inspire, or help you in
your personal or group Bible study and quest of knowing God.
- Hermeneutics
Why Study the Bible?
| YouTube (time 5:53): Howard Hendricks, 2012
What is Personal Bible Study?
| YouTube (time 6:12): Howard Hendricks, 2012
The Process: Observation
| YouTube (time 5:51): Howard Hendricks, 2012
The Process: Interpretation and Application
| YouTube (time 5:31): Howard Hendricks, 2012
Observation: Who, What, Where?
| YouTube (time 6:10): Howard Hendricks, 2012
Observation: When, Why, Wherefore?
| YouTube (time 5:59): Howard Hendricks, 2012
-Literary Devices
What is a Chiasmus?
| YouTube (time 11:34): Doug Mar, 2020
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Typology: Scripture Cannot Be Broken
| YouTube (time 40:31): Asish Varghese, 2019
| Abstract
-Literary Genre
Interpreting Apocalyptic: Ezekiel and His Strange Visions
| YouTube (time 46:03): J Carl Laney, 2019
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Historical Narratives – Observing This Literary Genre
| YouTube (time 13:06): Doug Mar, 2020
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Interpreting Parables: Do You Get the Point?
| YouTube (time 52:43): J Carl Laney, 2019
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
-Word Study
Agapē – Understanding a Term by Doing a Good Word Study
| YouTube (time 18:31): Doug Mar, 2020
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Shema - Listen
| YouTube (time 3:25): Bible Project, 2017
Interpretation: Content and Context
| YouTube (time 6:05): Howard Hendricks, 2012
Interpretation: Comparison, Culture, and Consultation
| YouTube (time 6:10): Howard Hendricks, 2012
Interpreting Scripture in light of Culture
| YouTube (time 40:22): Andrea Holtan, 2019
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Application: Know, Relate, Meditate, and Practice
| YouTube (time 6:04): Howard Hendricks, 2012
Application: Asking the Right Questions
| YouTube (time 6:09): Howard Hendricks, 2012
Implementing Personal Bible Study
| YouTube (time 5:54): Howard Hendricks, 2012
Study Methods
How to Get the Most From Your Bible Study
| YouTube (time 35:58): J Carl Laney, 2019
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Homiletics - Breaking Down Scripture to Raise our Understanding
| YouTube (time 24:46): Andrea Holtan, 2019
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
How to Have an Objective Group Study
| Youtube (time 7:36): D. Mar, 2020
| Abstract
Christian Living
- Responsibilities toward God
Seeking Personal Virtues and Qualities
Transformation - Not Conformity
| YouTube (time 37:11): B. Kennel, 2019
| Abstract
Making Disciples / Discipleship
What Does Faith Mean?
| Slideshow: D. Mar, 2024
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
| Slideshow: D. Mar, 2025
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Understanding Yourself - Sin and Temptation
| Slideshow: D. Mar, 2024
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Prayer - Asking God
| Slideshow: D. Mar, 2024
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
- Responsibilities toward Others
Towards Family
Towards Christians
I am of Paul... I am of Apollos
| YouTube (time 43:44): Asish Varghese, 2019
| Abstract
Using Expository Preaching to Address Biblical Ethics
| YouTube (time 59:04): Walter Kaiser Jr., 2019
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Using Exposition to Teach and Call for Revival
| YouTube (time 55:45): Walter Kaiser Jr., 2019
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
The Joy of Drinking From the Well Itself: Using Exposition to Teach
| YouTube (time 55:46): Walter Kaiser Jr., 2019
| Abstract
| Print Lesson
Towards the World
Evangelism: The Greatness of God Seen Through the Chronology of Scripture
| YouTube (time 37:11): B. Kennel, 2019
| Abstract
Print Study Lessons
Why Study the Bible?
1. Sanctify One's Mind (see lesson
| print lesson). All Scripture is inspired
by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; (2 Tim 3:16)
But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an
act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. (2 Pet 1:20-21)
2. Requirements of a Priest (see lesson
| print lesson). When one becomes a new
Believer, few are taught how to read and study the Bible. There are many books and Internet resources on this subject; to learn more,
look into the subject of biblical hermeneutics.
Understanding the Bible's Framework
1. The Abrahamic Covenant (see lesson
| print lesson). While the Bible is a
record of man's relationship with God, God is the main subject of the Bible. This becomes apparent after one understands what God's
divine covenants are and the framework they establish for the biblical record of God's interaction with humanity. The Abrahamic Covenant is
introduced in Genesis and is completely fulfilled in Revelation.
2. The Mosaic Covenant (see lesson
| print lesson). Around 1450 B.C., 430 years after
making His covenant with Abraham, God makes a covenant with the nation of Israel and establishes the Law
(Gal 3:16-17). Because the nation of Israel feared the voice of God, they asked Moses
to intercede; hence, the covenant became known as the Mosaic Covenant, and they committed to being obedient to God's commandments before
they were informed of its stipulations!
3. The Land Covenant (see lesson
| print lesson). This Covenant was known by several
names: a) the Land Covenant for its promises regarding the inheritance of land, b) the Palestinian Covenant for the location
of where the covenant was made (the plains of Moab), and c) the Deuteronomy Covenant for the location of where the covenant is found
in the Bible. The Land Covenant is distinctly different from the Mosaic Covenant for two reasons: 1) it was made 40 years after the Mosaic
Covenant, and 2) it was made in Moab (instead of Horeb also known as Mt. Sinai; Deut 29:1).
4. The Davidic (King) Covenant (see lesson
| print lesson). Besides Abraham, whom God lauded
for his faith, God made a personal promise to David who He found to be "a man after My heart, who will do all My will"
(Acts 13:22). Both Abraham and David would be the only human beings who would share a
faith approaching that of Jesus Christ (John 6:38) as a man after God’s heart who will
do ALL of God’s will.
5. The New Covenant (see lesson
| print lesson). By 600 B.C., through unending
unfaithfulness and covenant infidelity, the nation of Israel (now split into Northern and Southern Kingdoms) was reckoned to have
irretrievably broken the Mosaic Covenant; they were to be expelled from the Land. With Nebuchadnezzar's destruction of the Temple and
unable to make atonement, how will God's people ever possess their inheritance of the Promised Land?
The Holiness of God
1. Separated from the Profane (see lesson
| print lesson). The God of the Bible is unique
among all other gods. He is alive and through historical events, demonstrates that He truly exists,
which separates Him from all other gods. He pre-existed before time and is timeless, which separates Him from all of Creation.
2. Agapē (see lesson
| print lesson). The Bible is the only religious
book that places a focus on love, a type of love that surpasses human comprehension. What god(s) of any religion would send their only
son to die for the sins of mankind? Only the Bible presents the means of salvation as a work of God
(John 6:29) and only achievable through the simple and genuine belief Jesus is a
real Being who died for our sins and engenders a trust in His words.
3. The Kingdom of God (see lesson
| print lesson). The phrase "kingdom of God" is not
found in the Old Testament, and the earliest example of the title king being used of God is in the 8th century B.C., "… For my eyes have
seen the King, the Lord of host" (Isa 6:5). This, in part, contributes to the mystery
of the kingdom of God…(Deut 29:29)
4. Judgment (see lesson
| print lesson). With a few Hebrew terms, the
meaning of "judgment" is with the sense "to rule or govern" with the authority "to punish, vindicate and obtain justice." Divine judgment
is the work of God, because it is the consequence of one's sin evaluated against God's holy nature and moral standard. It is absolute,
exact and just, and a reflection of the sovereignty of God's plan. And there is one striking aspect of God's judgment that makes Him so
The Lovingkindness of God
1. His Promises (see lesson
| print lesson). Arising from His
compassionate and gracious character, God exhibits lovingkindness and truth, which God mentions often as a pair. The pairing is significant,
because it is repeated elsewhere (Gen 24:27; 2 Sam 2:6;
Ps 25:10; 26:3;
40:10-11; 57:3, 10;
61:7; 85:10;
86:15; 89:14;
108:4; 117:2;
138:2; Prov 16:6). Additionally God
uses the phrase "lovingkindness for thousands" elsewhere (Ex 20:6;
Deut 5:10) and a prophet repeats it as well (Jer 32:18).
2. Provision of His Son (see lesson
| print lesson). Through the Mosaic Covenant, God
prescribed a certain judicial process for the atonement of sin so that His wrath of judgment can be satisfied (expiation and propitiation).
While the Mosaic Covenant was broken by the infidelity of its human covenant keepers, God provides the New Covenant "for the sake of My
name, that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations" (Ezek 20:14), which,
revealed later, is through a mediator that God Himself provides.
3. Fulfillment of His Promises (see lesson
| print lesson). While some aspects of
divine covenants have been fulfilled (i.e. Gen 22:15-18;
Deut 18:15-19; John 5:45-47) and
can be evaluated historically for their truthfulness (i.e. Gen 15:13, see the articles
"Statue of an Asiatic Man from the Tell El-Dabca, Egypt (R. Schiestl)"
and "The Canal of Joseph"), what about
those that have not been fulfilled? Do eschatological prophecies contradict the promises of God's divine covenants?
Understanding Accountability
1. Sin (see lesson
| print lesson). Therefore, just as
through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned
(Rom 5:12). What is sin and how is this related to temptation?
2. Faith (see lesson
| print lesson). When encountering
significant biblical terms, it is recommended that you seek to understand the underlying Hebrew / Greek term to develop an understanding
that God intended. An example web tool that can help is BlueLetterBible.org
where you: 1) enter your book and chapter of interest, 2) click "tools" next to the verse of study, 3) click "Strong's" to see the Hebrew
/ Greek meaning and uses of the term in question.
3. Repentance and Forgiveness (see lesson
| print lesson). What is
it about repentance and forgiveness that causes one to question one's credibility? Have you ever noticed that, in God's word,
repentance is emphasized with non-Believers in view and forgiveness is emphasized with Believers in view???
4. Full of the Spirit (see lesson
| print lesson). Progressively
becoming more Christ like is the essence of sanctification (2 Cor 3:17-18), and the
Holy Spirit plays an essential role. As the author of God's word (2 Tim 3:16-17;
2 Pet 1:20-21), the Holy Spirit provides the means of sanctification through the study
of the Bible (Matt 4:4; John 8:31-32;
15:3-5; 17:14-17), and through the
community of Believers (1 Cor 12:12-13; Eph 4:4-7, 11-16).
5. Service (see lesson
| print lesson). If the process
of sanctifying oneself is simply a code of ethics, Christian ethics would not be any different from any other religious or philosophical
ethics. Because God demands that we be holy because He is holy, Christian ethics places a demand for holiness. An ethic is not good
simply for its goodness; it is good, because it makes one holy. To sanctify oneself is to live by an ethic demanded by God; it is a life
lived recognizing the privilege of being a child of God and the grace by which that privilege is extended.
"As I gained a better understanding of how to read the Bible objectively, I began to use a few
Bible Dictionaries to help me better
understand biblical terms and Bible Manners and Customs
to gain a sense of ancient societies and civilizations. I discovered that terms I thought I understood did not have the same meaning
in the Bible! I also discovered that Bible dictionaries differ and are not the same. Today the Internet makes a variety of resources
easily available; however, many resources are copyright free, because they are over 100 years old. For Bible dictionaries, I'd recommend
that you consult ones no older than 15 years so that you can benefit from the most recent archaeological and epigraphical findings."
"As my Bible study skills developed, I became comfortable with the use of
concordances and Bible Language Helps. For me,
this was the line in the sand when one crosses from a casual reader to a nerd. This is about the time when you stop telling your friends
what you're doing with your free time..."
"Along the way, I used Bible Commentaries
for verse references, their hermeneutics and logic, and to consider other interpretative perspectives I may not have considered. In some
cases, no matter how many ways you approach something, some biblical passages are near impossible to understand."
"Like most of you, I never went to seminary; but, with a disciplined approach, you can have a wonderful experience
in Bible study and become a considerably better person and have a desire that others may know Jesus Christ as well."
Doug Mar, 2019
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