Repentance and Forgiveness

A Series on Understanding Accountability

These Bible study lessons are designed to complement the myriad of study guides and plans available today. Through them, we hope to introduce sound study methodology, build a strong foundation of knowledge from which you can build and integrate a more coherent and comprehensive understanding of God's word and theology.

What is it about repentance and forgiveness that causes one to question one's credibility? Have you ever noticed that, in God's word, repentance is emphasized with non-Believers in view and forgiveness is emphasized with Believers in view???

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1. Look up the Greek term for repentance (Acts 20:21), and examine how Jesus uses the term (Luke 15:3-10). What is your definition? What salvation is in view?

2. With this definition in view, Paul speaks of two types of repentance (2 Cor 7:9-10). What and how do they differ (this contrast may help: 1 Chron 21:16-17; Est 4:1-3; Matt 11:20-24)? In 2 Corinthians 7:9-10, Paul is writing to the church - what are the implications for the Believer? What type of salvation is in view?

3. In the context of a broken relationship, offender vs offended, which one repents and changes his mind? Who forgives (Luke 23:33-34)? In restoring a broken relationship, what is God revealing about repentance and forgiveness (Isa 1:16-18; 6:6-7)?

4. Patterned after the restoration of a divine relationship, what do you see (Matt 6:9-15)? What do you observe in Paul's note to Timothy (2 Tim 2:20-26)? How does one deal with another who sees the truth / facts differently?

5. Carefully examine how difficult is it to repent and forgive and which seems harder (Matt 18:21-35; Luke 17:3-10)? Why is forgiveness between Believers so difficult? What observations do you make of Luke 17:10?

References for Group Study Leaders

1. What is genuine repentance?

2. Forgiveness

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