
A Series on Understanding Accountability

These Bible study lessons are designed to complement the myriad of study guides and plans available today. Through them, we hope to introduce sound study methodology, build a strong foundation of knowledge from which you can build and integrate a more coherent and comprehensive understanding of God's word and theology.

If the process of sanctifying oneself is simply a code of ethics, Christian ethics would not be any different from any other religious or philosophical ethics. Because God demands that we be holy because He is holy, Christian ethics places a demand for holiness. An ethic is not good simply for its goodness; it is good, because it makes one holy. To sanctify oneself is to live by an ethic demanded by God; it is a life lived recognizing the privilege of being a child of God and the grace by which that privilege is extended.

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1. Review the Greatest Commandment (Matt 22:36-38) and discern what you should desire. How does this affect your prayer life (Matt 6:7-13; John 14:10-15)? How does this affect your worship (John 4:23-24; Rom 12:1-2)?

2. Review the Second Greatest Commandment (Matt 22:38-39) and discern what you should desire. How does this affect your interactions with others (Lev 19:11-17; Matt 5:43-47; 19:16-26; Rom 13:8-10; Gal 5:13-14)? The number one complaint about a church is its music; why should you go to church (1 Cor 12:4-26; 13:1-13)?

3. Review the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20). What is authentic evangelism ([John 1:18; 6:46], [Col 1:15-20], [1 John 4:12-14; John 14:16-21], [John 8:12; 12:35-36; Matt 5:14-16], [Isa 49:6; Matt 1:21; Acts 13:47])?

4. Review Jesus Christ's personal commandment to His disciples (John 13:34-35; 15:12) and discern what you should desire. How does this impact your effectiveness with the Great Commission (1 John 4:14-20)?

5. What is type of love is the basis of the above questions?

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