How Does the Holy Spirit Sanctify?

Print Study

Author's Bias | Interpretation: conservative

As God promised in the New Covenant, the Believer is bestowed the gift of the Holy Spirit (Isa 59:21; Ezek 36:25-28), who becomes an agent of sanctification. The Holy Spirit is "another Counselor" and the "Spirit of truth" (John 14:16-17, 25-26; 15:26).

Sanctified by the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit sanctifies by washing the heart and renewing the mind (Tit 3:4-7).

The Holy Spirit sanctifies by assuring the Believer of the indwelling presence of Jesus Christ (1 John 3:24).

The Holy Spirit sanctifies by helping the Believer understand the Scriptures (1 Cor 2:10-16; Eph 3:3-6).

The Holy Spirit sanctifies by attesting to the reality of Believer's faith, brands the Believer as a property of God's, and guarantees his inheritance in the future completion of salvation (2 Cor 1:21-22; 5:5).

For deeper study

How does the Holy Spirit sanctify human beings?

What is eternal security?

Series: The Doctrine on Salvation
How Does Jesus Christ Sanctify?

Series: The Doctrine on Salvation
How Does a Believer Cooperate?

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