Activity in the Life of the Old Testament Man

Print Study

Author's Bias | Interpretation: conservative

The activity of the Holy Spirit in the OT

Before Jesus was born, the Holy Spirit was active in the life of man in a variety of ways as some of these examples show.

The Holy Spirit sustained life (Gen 6:3; Job 34:14-15).

The Holy Spirit spoke through various people such as prophets of Israel (Isa 59:21; Zech 7:12), a warrior (1 Chron 12:18), and a pagan prophet (Num 24:2, 4).

The Holy Spirit brought the power of God (Judg 14:6).

The Holy Spirit provided knowledge (Ex 35:31-35).

To learn more, see:

Inspiration and the Holy Spirit

Series: The Doctrine on the Holy Spirit
Take the Quiz!

Series: The Doctrine on the Holy Spirit
Activity in the Life of Jesus

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