Criticisms of the view
of Inspired Textual Updating

Print Study

Author's Bias | Interpretation: conservative

If textual updating is inspired by God, one is faced with the following questions:

1. Biblical passages, such as Deuteronomy 4:1-2; 12:32, Proverbs 30:5-6 and Revelation 22:16–19, warns against anyone who may add or subtract words to both the Old and New Testament. These warnings emphasize the completeness and sufficiency of God's revelation and the integrity of God's Word.

2. How does one define "autographa?" If one defines inspiration as the process of recording Scripture until canonization, which version of the Text is the autographa?

3. How is "inspired textual updating" accomplished? If inerrantists accept small limited textual updates as part of the inspired process of inscripturation, by what standard limits the scribe or editor from making large redactions of the text?

4) When did the inspired process of inscripturation end? When did the Old Testament canon reach completion?

Series: Did Moses author the Pentateuch?
Criticisms of Non-inspired Textual Updating

Series: Did Moses author the Pentateuch?

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