Liberation Redemption

Print Study

Author's Bias | Interpretation: conservative

While the apostles clearly understood the ransom perspective of redemption, they also preached its consequences as a liberation from God's judgment of sin (Gal 3:13). These examples illustrate this idea:


being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption (Greek: apolutrōsis) which is in Christ Jesus; (Rom 3:24)

In Him we have redemption (Greek: apolutrōsis) through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace (Eph 1:7)

Christ redeemed (Greek: exagorazō) us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us--for it is written, "CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE"— (Gal 3:13)

For many Gentile Believers, familiar with the Greco-Roman slave market, they understood redemption as liberation from slavery.

The imagery of liberation from slavery provides a very personal context to redemption. Seeing that a huge ransom is being paid by God's only Son provides some context to the cost and the depth of grace being bestowed.

For Jewish Believers, liberation redemption was seen through the symbolism of Passover.

Note carefully that different Greek terms refer to the release or emancipation of a prisoner, and they describe the subjective aspects of redemption; it is the consequence for human beings when God's judicial requirements are met, and this nuance of meaning is used in the limited exclusive sense namely to Believers of God.

For deeper study:

Liberation Redemption… The Subjective Aspect of Atonement

Gaining a sense of the Hebrew meaning of redeem (gā'al)… The love of Ruth and Boaz

Series: The Doctrine on Salvation
The Mercy Seat (Means for Propitiation)

Series: The Doctrine on Salvation

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